Saturday, August 31, 2013

That's What It's Like

August 30th,

  I found myself with an oddly scheduled day, my tasks were lengthy in the morning but the work day finished well, although, that was only the half of it.  After work I received three letters from three amazing friends which made me inexplicably happy. In case you don't understand this let me explain, receiving a letter is like: Finding that board that's fit's perfectly at the end of the day, it's like finding the name to that song you've been psyching out about hearing over and over, it's like sitting alone and out of nowhere someone comes beside you and puts an arm around you, it's like sinking into your bed after a long tiring day, it's like finally getting to dance in that new favorite outfit, it's like finishing that perfect book you've always loved, it's like getting a hug from person you've been hoping to see all week, it's like getting that random call you really needed when you're having a  bad day, I needn't say anymore.  Soon after this a few of us CAP'ers went to Paintsville Lake to go cliff jumping which ended prematurely in retreat from the incoming night.  As the evening grew even later we went on to watch the extended Lord Of The Rings which was cool but I was way too tired.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Another Day, And It's Beautiful!

August 29th,

  It feels so good to get an early start on the day! I'm talking a good long shower, a great breakfast, workout time, some Genesis/Psalms and prayer time!  It feels so refreshing to start the day on a good healthy note.  On the job site today me and John finished framing and paneling our new 6x8 bathroom, overall a great project!  I came home and had lots of free time to read/ workout.  I'd say it's been just one more amazing day after another in Kentucky!

Psalm 147:1, 7
                          Praise the Lord!  How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise him!  ........   Sing to the Lord with grateful praise; make music to our God on the harp!

Ooooh, Pretty Butterfly

August 28th,

  Today lacked much emphasis on almost every level. Therefore I have virtually nothing to write on practically speaking. Like I did nothing even remotely noteworthy at all.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

In Christ Alone

August 27th,

 I try and make things more complicated than they need to be.

It's ninety degrees, i'm shaking, everyone is watching, a thousand thoughts rushed my head every second and when I come about I see my my instructor swim alongside me and say, "Carmen, stop overanalyzing.  Just do what we taught you and you'll be fine."  This is three years ago taking my lifeguard course physical exam.  Fast forward three years and two days ago; I heard I was leading a group of high school students in building a ramp and I instantly thought, "but I don't know how, and what if I mess up? "  I've led hundreds of students in much harder projects, what am I so worried about? It's all based off the thought that somehow our efforts have to be good enough, that if we try hard enough we'll succeed and if not, well then we've failed and no one approves of us.  I do this all the time, my life is riddled with circumstance's where the only hesitation in progress is that of my own skepticism on wether I can do it.  This is so easy to do.  It will consume your life if you don't realize something so obvious, none of our efforts will ever be perfect. You see when you shoot for acceptance through perfection, not only in human eyes but through religion, you will always fail.  I have come to the point where I know that I don't have to get it just right, It's where my heart is that really matters.  Christ says that man looks at the outer appearance but He looks at the heart.  If we're aiming to please God through immaculate, stupendous performances we'll find ourselves failing humorously.  I think of something said by one of J.R.R Tolken's characters, Gandalf;  "I wish the ring had never come to me, I wish none of this had ever happened. So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for us to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."   Christ says something similar, "Acknowledge him in all your ways, and he will make your paths straight."  These hard times will come, and we'll be faced with things we don't know how to figure out, things we don't know what to do with but it's in these times we have to decide, will I give him my best and trust him to do the rest? Can we lay aside our pride and give our efforts knowing they're less than perfect? Let me save you a lot of trouble and say yes, yes we can do that. Yes he will pick up where we lack.  Going it alone wont work, don't try to figure it all out, there's nothing there but anger, anxiety and disappointment. We don't have to complicate it, we get this idea that by adding more rules and more qualifiers we're doing a better job, that's not true.  It doesn't have to be complicated, life isn't a puzzle until you try cutting it into little pieces. We have already been given all we need to know, it's a straight forward little booklet called the Bible.  Christ expects no more of us than what we know of him, do this and you will have fought the good fight, and ran the good race.

Ephesians 2:8-9
                        "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast."

Right, Not Easy

August 26th,

  Be wary the choices you make, some, as innocent as they seem and as harmless as they sound can end up leaving you really messed up. I did some pretty stupid stuff and ended up with heat stoke and sun poisoning today.  Don't do what's easiest, do what's right.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Seek First His Kingdom

August 25th,

  Dont pass up life.
Every second of every day we are faced with a choice, a choice that will determine who we are in life, will we make time for Christ?  First let me say that that "making time" is not enough in itself seeing as Christianity is lived out heart beat-to heart beat, breath-to breath and thought-to thought.  Since it's a lifestyle shouldn't it be treated so? If your lifestyle was that of a professional gymnast you would not only stretch daily and eat well and such but also have some very focused sometimes intense training sessions, for in this way and this way only would you be able to further your abilities and overcome your previous limitations.  Your faith is so much alike; we not only need a daily word of encouragement or a prayer here and there, we also need focused times with God.  These times determine your determination, they drive your motivation, and they will deepen your understanding of Christ and what his plan for your life is.  As Christians we should thirst for these times, we should so strongly wish to spend alone time with God that we often put aside everything else to do it.  Everything though? I mean certainly not family time, and definitely not sports, and hey, i've gotta practice my music, and finish this homework.  Yes there is a time for these, but our need for Christ is so much greater, without him we have nothing.  What price can you put on your soul? How much money will buy you into heaven?   Matthew 16:26 says, "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul? What can a man give in trade for his soul?"  I'm not saying if you miss your prayer time tomorrow your going to burn, i'm saying stop our schedule, look at what matters, do you add Christ to your life or is your life a tribute to Christ's?  He's our God, our King and our Lord, will we not give him our all?

Psalm 1:1-2

                 "Blessed is the one who does not walk in the step of the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night."  

Matthew 6:33 

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Just A Little Irregular

August 24th,

  As regular as i'd like my schedule to be there are those days......  I didn't actually go to sleep last night but I did catch up on my blog, move rooms (one with better wifi, those of you I skype know what I mean) and talk to an amazing friend almost all night.  So yes, I went to bed at 9:30 this morning and slept ti'll ten in the evening..... and after hanging out with some friends around the fire i'm off to bed again.  I'm so glad tomorrow is Sunday.

Let Go Of The Gas

August 23rd,

  I remember some number of years ago opening my father's comic book collection one of which was a compilation of the real old Dilbert comic strips.  I laughed at the characters but particularly at this one where Dilbert is profusely complaining about his work week and lustfully dreaming of the weekend to come. I thought this was quite comical (get it, "comical" it's a comic..... it's like the two wor....never mind) seeing as I simply didn't take the weekends off, no sir, the weekends were when the work really picked up.  I became quite use to this ungodly routine (and yes I mean ungodly as in it is wrong to deprive yourself of rest.) to the point that I became incapable of living by anything else.  The way CAP orchestrates their schedules however has given me a breath of fresh air along with my weekends  that I scarcely know how to breathe in. You see as a boy I wanted free time, free time to build this and hide that and who knows what naive conundrums funneled through that peculiar head of mine. I then became "responsible" so to speak and simply worked all day, every day. And that is not exaggerating in the least.  You see where I went wrong was not that I didn't work, oh I worked; it's that I had conceived the idea that somehow all my working in and of itself was going to get me somewhere.  Well it didn't.  As the years progressed and I now look back I can easily say this very knowledgeably; We need rest from our work, we are told by our god to take weekly rest, and lastly, all our labor and all our toils are for nothing if God is not blessing them. And I promise you God is never as pleased in you as when you are pleased in Him. So take the time you need to get your strength back, weather that's one weekend at the beach or a year in Eastern Kentucky, do what you have too to amply serve your king and enjoy your life, I am.

Weekday Amnesia.....It Happens

August 20th -22nd

  I do not often combine dates because well..... each day has too much to write on in itself; however, having said that I cannot lie and say that I was very conscious in this particular duration nor can I remember any outspoken events that took place besides that of much work and little sleep.  In all honesty I must admit that it's considerably easier now, being in thus such freedoms to "postpone" my entries from time to time but I assure you it is a habit I do not intend to take fondly of.

Monday, August 19, 2013

I Will Never Leave You

August 19th,

  So many ideas have flooded my head today.  So much to write on and yet..... there remains a still hesitation.  I might say that I will write on relationships but that in fact, for many reasons, is being kept for something much deeper than a blog....... In fact a book.  As for now I have one unsettling, and tremendous hill to march in my writing and through my life and it is best expressed now, with pose, tact, and honesty.  Please know that as I write this I am stable.

  In September of 2012 my life changed dramatically.  My best friend Nathaniel I. Tennant left for great purposes to CAP but none the less.... gone.  My family began to feel the overbearing, practically crushing weight of the work to financial status ratio and things were getting rough..... really rough.  I was mad at God for seemingly leaving me in a place with no future, no hope, and crushing responsibilities.  I seemed to watch my friends fade away like the ashes of an old memory haunted card, scattering in the wind.   I hated my life through and through.  The stress was intensifying, but in fact...... it became too much.  As of my eighteenth birthday, October 16th, I was anorexic.  Now this didn't dawn on me at all, after all i'm a guy, I didn't need support, hell I could do it on my own..... so, so Wrong.

  I functioned as many others did and even above and beyond that of many. I woke up relatively early, I worked a minimal eight hour day, sometimes fourteen, and then as evenings came I would begin my ''other life''  chatting with friends, youth group, sleepovers... all that.  Meanwhile avoiding the obvious.  On a daily basis I would wake up in the night and hear screams outside.....they weren't there.  I would begin my day in cold sweats, doubled over in pain, my sides were being ripped apart and my head spun as if receiving a cold brick of ice in the jaw.  I was in pain.  I couldn't run a hundred yards for my life, I could barely stay awake through my days and when I did fall asleep,  I was haunted.  I was unsure which was worse, conscious pain or subconscious hell.  I was hell bent I needed to loose weight, run more and eat healthier.....the only problem is I only did the first and I did it well.  I found myself lying about how much I had eaten to my friends, denying food saying I was "sick" or nauseous.  It wasn't out of spite for anyone really, I just.....hated food.  Something had to change because I began to feel tightness in my chest, I was having heart palpitations, and crying became my way of saying goodnight beneath the pillow.  I came too close to ending things the easy way.  I wanted an end, and a quick one but Christ said, "No Carmen, hold on one day longer, I will help you."  So I held on one day longer, each day, fighting my mind and giving little sway in my heart.  Finally after eternity our PCC  CAP trip rolled around and I found momentary rest but, as some of us know, it's not the slow descent that kills, it's the brutalizing relapse...... And I did.  At the end of April I hit bottom with a resonating force.  It was then I began to question my faith, my motives, my reason to exist.  I needed someone to hold me,  and validate my pain, I desperately needed to know someone.....anyone cared.

  One month of black hell passes.... and somehow I begin to see a small, small light. So small I didn't even set my hope's on it at first for fear of being rejected or denied. All I wanted now was acceptance..... from any crowd.  I was days, maybe closer, from relieving my pain in a way I knew of all too well when Christ said once more, "Hold on, don't give up yet, it's just around the bend." I don't know if I trusted him or not but at this point I had no choice, I left my razor on the dresser, the lighter on the desk and dropped to my knees and begged.... I begged God to take the pain away, I begged him to hold me, I begged him for hope.... just one drop of hope.  The next day after breakfast sometime I happened to be cleaning out my old school bin when I saw an application for CAP.  I took it before the page had ran through my hand.  In a week I was scheduled for an interview, by mid june I had finalized the details. And so I held on, I grabbed the rope with all I had and prayed it didn't break, I was simply.....surviving now, no emotion, no energy, no mind, just grabbing this life line God threw down to the bottom of the lake and holding on for dear life.

   It's two months from that day now.  I have a healthy BMI,  I can run, I can laugh, and I can eat.  I didn't need a rehab, I needed a restart.  I needed peace in life, I needed to lay down at night and know my God loves me unconditionally and that it's going to be okay.  I did little to nothing to get here, my God carried me in his arms when I collapsed.  He Never Left.  let me say that again. He. Never. Left.
I did the leaving because I fell for Satan's lie, I believed I could do it on my own, I thought I could take on the world without my God.  I was so painfully wrong and it took so much pain to figure that out.  If you're in that spot where worry, stress, and fear rule your life, especially as a guy, I know it's hard but you need to understand this. You cannot do it on your own. Cry to Christ for help! Trust in his love! I promise, with everything I am that he is there.  Matthew 11:28 "Come to me, all you who are weary and heavy burdened, and I will  give you rest."   Joshua 1:5 ".......As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you."   He means never!  Please don't doubt him!   He knows your burden and he can shoulder it, all you need to do is ask!  He did for me,  I am victorious over my fears, I am victorious over my doubt, I am victorious over my anxiety.  Through Christ I have a new life and every day is for him.  That my friends...... That's what it's all about.    

- Christ Is Enough For Me -

Sunday, August 18, 2013

An Enjoyed Rest

August 18th,

  I love my church down here in KY and the power they put behind scripture.  This morning was fantastic and I feel so secure in my faith right now.  I spent the rest of my day eating food, playing games, watching really stupid movies and writing.  It is well with my soul.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

I'm Liking This Community Thing

August 17th,

  I lived a small glimpse of my dream today.

I slept in ti'll eleven and woke up to chocolate chip pancakes and bacon.  Thank you John.  I'm so glad I said yes to going out today or else none of this would have happened.  Me, John, Christy, and Connie went to The Breaks International Park and had such a phantasmal time.  First we went to several overlooks which were so breath taking and stunningly beautiful.  On one of these drop offs which was roughly 120 ft of sheer rock face I ledge climbed down the face about thirty feet, then across thirty, and back up a well overgrown crevice between faces.  Overall this was so beautiful.  We also hiked down a separate path to a sixty foot, rushing, natural water slide which emptied into a massive swimming hole giving aim to a twenty foot plus rope swing overhead of which we all swung off a few times. Actually my first time out I landed totally wrong and compressed my chest to the point of feeling like the pancake being slapped down by a spatula. Still this was so fun and apparently a CAP tradition.

   After burning off brunch we turned around and set a bead line for supper, located at a phenomenally good tasting restaurant called Lizzy B's.   I had a couple Sun Drops, parmesan shells in white cheddar, and the best blue cheese bacon burger ever made.  I'm not exaggerating, this was literally the best burger anyone has ever eaten.....anywhere.....ever.  My housemates encourage me to pick up the guitar..... i'm not sure if I have time, that's my only constraint because obviously I have a lot of writing to do and all that but hey,  maybe i'll try.  Not really sure right now though, maybe i'll visit that again next month.  John and I share so many interests, mostly in music, and I have to say I am so psyched! He's got great taste and we get along so well and I look forward to spending a good amount of time jazzing out with him!  This evening after all that we went to Jenny Wiley Park and cracked some sick moves (John & I) to the cupid shuffle, the chicken dance, the Holes song, and copperhead ridge.  This was a pretty bossly jazzed day and just what I needed after the week.

Friday, August 16, 2013

A Week Well Capped

August 16th,

  This week has all but flown by.  I was apparently insensitive to my alarm because Nathaniel came in at 7:45  (we start work at eight)  and woke me up.  Once I scurried down to the offices slightly late I started off to a good work day, and although pretty tired we accomplished a lot and I'm satisfied with what we got done.   Now though, i'm glad the work week is over, i'm going to sleep in tomorrow, read a book or two and write a couple more letters.   Oh and I cant forget, I did have an amazing time this evening with some fellow Johnson members at a nearby restaurant by the name of "Pig In A Poke".  It was absolutely delicious and we had a great time talking and hanging out.  I skyped my good friend Erin from NY tonight as well which was just awesome.  

Settling In

August 15th,

  I hate routine but I love peaceful.

Today was actually somewhat regular if so I can afford to that end.  I got a good amount of exercise in the morning, had a fairly successful work day and then enjoyed a great dinner and relaxing evening later on.  Nothing nostalgic or grand happened today so i'll leave it at that.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

This Old House

August 14th,

   Goodbyes are like bee stings, they get worse every time.

There are those things which we can choose to remain nullified to more or less but goodbyes just aren't one of them because the further you go the fonder you become and the harder they leave.    I just spent two weeks saying goodbye to almost all my friends in New York and now the few I had left in Kentucky are leaving as well.  Tomorrow morning three of our own from Johnson house, Kelsey, Nick, and Jimmy leave us after so long in service and new volunteers come in their stead, although, they will never be replaced.  There's a mantle in our house, it sits center of our living room, the same room where so many jokes were told, so many devotions took place, and so many lives were shared.   A few names stand burned in this mantel, a few names but countless memories. One day my name will be up there day.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


August 13th,

   Apart from being the second day we've been rained out today was a very fun work day and we finally got all that metal roofing on.  It's been a little tough emotionally to be honest because Kelsey, Brian, Jimmy, Eric, Pam, and Nick are all about to go or are just left......   I have personally know all of these amazing people and will be very sad to see them leave.  As my chapter at CAP begins (along with a few others) many others move on.  May the Lord be with them in their travels.  J-House will miss you deeply.

Floating Like A Unicorn.... Johnson Style

August 12th,

  My work week started fairly quickly I must say.  Apart from the fifteen miles of paperwork I had to sign off on and read this morning and an un-necessary drug test I had a decently good first work day.  I think there was actually literally something in there about not running people over...... Ok CAP, if you insist.  Actually that drug test might come out positive......I have been so happy in the past few days they're probably like, "whoa, he's on something seriously strong dude, look how floaty he is."  This is as I literally floated everywhere today, I mean I couldn't help it, i'm excited man.  I've got a lot of work to do on my schedules and all that plus a ton of new people coming over soon but that's all for tomorrow.  

J-House Quote - "If you don't have unicorns in your don't have anything."   All credits to my deep thinking, nostalgic, and meaningfully wise housemate...... whom I will call Elmer.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Kick It!

August 11th,

  God has just blessed me with possibly the best day of my life.

I woke in my bed, in my room, in Kentucky at 8:45  (late compared to the usual times i'll be waking up here).  Me, Logan, Jotham, and my amazing friend Nathaniel with whom I am so wonderfully reunited with went to church together this morning.  The sermon was truthful, honest, and encouraging.  Afterward Jotham and Logan headed back to NY and Nate and I went over to a nearby house for our weekly community group and had a wonderful time there as well.  Fairly soon after returning home we went right back out with another great friend from J-House (home) to grab the weeks groceries which was actually surprisingly fun considering I picked up some Levi straight-slims, and a dry fit for just over twenty pop.  I will be making a schedule more or less for my exercise routines, skyping times, and etc either tonight or tomorrow.   Praise the Lord, this day has been nothing but a waterfall of blessings from my savior!

Laying Foundation

August 10th,

  4 am wake up.  I said my goodbyes, packed what I had, then hit the road for our eleven hour drive with my older brother Jotham and my friend Logan around five (am).  I'm sure there's names for the places we went, states we were in and so on but I don't remember a thing.....actually wait there was one sign that said something about a sleepy rock but that's about it.  We took turns driving and I was able to fit in a good two hour block of relaxing driving on I 79 S. which was nice.  As to what the speed limit was it's just so blurry and I was so tired i'm not sure I can recall how fast I was going (or supposed to).   We finally arrived after a few stops at my feels good to call this place my home.  Anyway we arrived about five pm and sat around for awhile before unpacking.  The unpacking/setting up fort was actually pretty fun, I wish you could see the array of cards and such I have displayed on my study, it's very homey I must say.  I enjoyed neatly organizing my room from the start and have already set up my study and exercise areas.  Quite the successful day.   And now i'm dead tired.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Home & Heart

August 9th, Part 1.

  Well this is Reid Miner. As I write this I am sitting across from a fantastic friend who I have had the privilege of getting to know over the past few months. When I first met this man about three years ago I thought he was a weird, crazy, and high-pitched opera singing little boy. But about a year ago my flawed thinking changed. And recently, having had the great privilege of being able to spend a few days with him at Kingdom Bound, I have gotten to know him even better. Now he is not that weird person but a great friend who is funny beyond belief, a crazy good worker, and a fabulous friend. Tonight, with all his bags packed and ready to leave on a adventure, I realize how much he means to me. He not only has a great heart for God, but he also treats people how they should be treated, and is funny. He has impacted my life in numerous ways. I will sincerely miss him and his out-of-this-world personality. Goodbye Carmen. Have a great time in kentucky serving God and the local people. I will miss you very very much.

~ Reid. J. Miner

August 9th, Part 2.

  Home.  I don't think you could list how many songs belong to this title.
There is undoubtedly some deep innate connection between an individual and that familiar place they call home.  I want to venture a little further today though and propose a theory of what home actually means in our minds.  There are of course only three senses in which the word home can be meant, physical, emotional and spiritual.  As I explain I think it's important to realize that home is not only a noun but and adjective. Physically there is a place we can palpably touch under our feet, a place we can  construct, inhabit, and abandon; this holds in my opinion a minimal amount of affect on our true sense of home which, duly brings me to my succeeding point.  Our emotional home is a state of mind that gives us the feeling of belonging.  This means many things though; we can easily have a false sense of belonging, or it's quite possible you come home to an abusive family every night but you wont leave because in a sad depriving belong.  This is a dangerous way to label our home because it means we will anchor our actions, and beliefs based on what we call home.  As an alcoholic your sense of home may very well be closer held and understood inside that bottle than a successful millionaire will feel inside his own mansion. Does this make sense? We are creatures who must belong.  I don't care how little you have, even if you have nothing at all you still have a place to call home, in this life or the next.  Suppose we took this concept one level deeper now.  Say as christians we understood scripture well enough to realize Christ calls us to actually be homeless in this life but heirs of his kingdom.  This means we need to realize that we are on a trip, we're not home, home for us should be solely found in our identity through Christ.  If we truly acted on this concept imagine the motivation we should be acting with.  If you we're separated behind enemy lines from your men what would you do to get home?  If you were lost in any vast unknown area I guarantee the first thing you'll think of is home. So why aren't we so avidly pursuing our real homes in heaven? Is it that we doubt Christ is actually making a place for us or that it sounds too good to be true?  I think it's a concept satan has done a very crafty job of portraying as a lofty, almost fairy tail like world.  The world treats heaven like an arguing point for philosophical theology when it's more real than the dirt under your feet.  This is something we need to remember as sons and daughters of Christ, we have a home with our father, it's really there, and he's waiting at the gates patiently to welcome us in. No fairy tales here, no make believe, this is very, very real.   Let Christ become your  home, let Him be your acceptance, and live as heirs of his beautiful kingdom.  It's for us.

2 Cor. 5:1-2
     We know that the earthly tent we live in will be destroyed. But we have a building made by God. It is a house in heaven that lasts forever. Human hands did not build it.  During our time on earth we groan. We long to put on our house in heaven as if it were clothing.

Matt. 6:21
   For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

My King

August 8th,

  Finding God is like putting together a puzzle, there's so many ways to fill in the pieces but you always end up with the same beautiful picture.

For me, Kingdom Bound has always led me to a deeper understanding of Christ's love for me, every time I think I can begin to fathom what he's done and who I am because of it he blows me away once again and I am left speechless before my king.  Which reminds me there was one band in particular that I likened to quite readily when I heard what they had to say, they spoke of chivalry, how it's all but lost and how important it is to not only show chivalry but treat women as truly valuable.  There is much more to be said on this and I am certain it will not be long until this too is expounded on.

  This was my fourth year attending KB with PCC youth group and I must say, it only gets better.  This year Hillsong played on the first night and it was literally beyond description, had I to feebly word in which way it touched me I would say this;  The music that rang in the air that night sang a sweet enough melody to distract a few angels from their heavenly chorus, look down over their shoulders, and smile at our attempt, even if just for a moment.  In this way it sweetly deepened my adoration of my lord and savior.  

  Today I said goodbye to many good friends: Rebecca, Chloe, Corrina, Becky, Carissa, Reid, and many others as we went our separate ways after returning from our wonderful time together at KB.  All I can say for the time I have been given with all of you is thank you, may God bless you beautifully for all the love and support you have shown me.  There are so many more details to cover but quite honestly I would only say this: I have given it all to Jesus and he has given me a new life and I will be with him forever. He deserves the praise, He is love and my king.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Bound For The Kingdom

August 4th,

  The days come all too quickly and simultaneously they pass painfully slow.

I came to church feeling quite well actually and enjoyed a wonderful last service and had the chance afterward of spending some relaxing time with the Chapman's and a multitude more at Vivi's graduation. I know it's only 6:30 and this may seem odd but once I got home I repacked from my sleepover, checked over my Kingdom Bound bags, wrote my last two entries and am now going to bed. Yup.  I cannot wait for Kingdom Bound (Mon-Thur.)! This will be my fourth year!  

Oh yes, I will be out of wifi range from tomorrow ti'll thursday so I'll be back in a few!

Packing My Past

August 3rd,

  It's amazing how quickly your schedule compiles. Today (along with some good help) I packed for an upcoming sleepover, Kingdom Bound, and the entire year at CAP.  overall I touched way too much dirty laundry and feel completely defiled. In a strange way though it's cool to look at this one little blue bin full of journals, books, cards and letters I packed and think, "Everything I have been, and am is represented in this"

Going Somewhere?

August 2nd,

  Usually i'd enjoy going on errands......usually.

I took off to east syracuse at roughly 10:30 to just do a thing or two but my luck had planned otherwise.  
 My first stop was to Purcell's paint on bridge street, which, of course was my only semi-succesful chore not counting the wrong turn I took just before I arrived.  Next off was Walmart which I suppose you could call a success in the way that I got what I came for but also an equally matching disappointment seeing as it cost 100+ for everything......ouch.  Lowes was my next destination and of course it would be my luck that they literally had every single spray paint but the one I needed......literally... not even exaggerating. I headed off to Price Chopper next but took an entirely wrong turn on Thompson which was ever so conveniently backed up straight across one side to another so that tagged on an extra 35 min+.  Once I arrived at Price Chopper I began recycling my lovely little truck full of gooey, slimy, pungent, cans one painful cap at a time.  As if this wasn't already the most thrilling thing ever (you should try it some time really) the machines decided this would be a swell time to break down and so I not only left stinky, dirty, and disgusting but uncompleted.  Across the street is the Salvation Army where I dropped off all those bags of junk we've been looking to get rid of forever......oh except.....I forgot all the bags.  My day just get's better.  I finally show up two hours late to green lakes to meat some friends where we manage to hang out for a short while then get completely rained out.  So we went to Panera Bread and sat around for awhile which although fun was rather uneventful.  As I headed home from my little victory march I remembered that I had still a redbox to drop off so I went all the way out to tully for that. While there I remembered i had to make several deposits at the bank and grab groceries from the dollar general nearby which, of course, didn't actually have what I needed.  Before returning home I also filled up the gas and skillfully forgot to pick up a much-needed chain saw chain.  On a much different note I owe thanks to each and every person in my youth group for supporting me and being by my side all this time, I will never be attending again (as a student at least) and will sorely miss our times together.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Wolverine

August 1st,

  Six years.

When I first moved here I hated it.  It's been six years now and i'd do it all over again.  Our apprenticeship program began four and a half years ago and that as well i was not fond of to begin with but looking back, I treasure each and every week.  Today was my two-hundred and thirty-fourth apprenticeship, and my last apprenticeship.  Im going to miss working with the guys.....alot.  I had the privilege of taking my good friends Abigail, Gabriel, Zach, Logan, and Priscilla to see The Wolverine this evening which was very fun.  after two-thousand one-hundred and ninety days of work, i'm finally done.  I thank God for every last day.  

In a strange way I feel like the wolverine;  good at what he does, regretting where he's been, leaving what he's known, and facing what's to come.

Missed It By That Much

July 31st,

  It's quite a long story but Zach, Venson, Abigail, And I worked all day to install a log on our trail head that didn't actually fit......oh well, we'll start over again tomorrow.