Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Whoa.........It's A Tortoise..........Whoa......Crazy

July 30th,

  My family went to a petting zoo today.  I just need to say this, you have no clue what bringing ten younger siblings through a petting zoo can do to your mind.  Even after years of being a father-brother I have my patience tested daily.  Paul Jr.watched the tortoise cage for an hour.......... an hour.  We left at nine (am) and came back at six (pm); folks it's a 45 minute drive and it takes an approximate average of an hour to get through the park......... that means driving time excluded it took us about seven hours to get through.  Don't ask.  Later this evening I had the privilege of meeting up with a good friend and chatting over a good cup of coffee (white chocolate mocha to be exact).  That was so refreshing and I needed it so much.

Monotonous, Not Meaningless

July 29th,

  Today was quite monotonous I must admit, we cleaned our Central Activity Area, Lodge, Shaded Nook, Platform Tent, and RC Picnic Area.  No embellishment here truthfully.  Sometimes though....now that I think of it, there's a certain educative quality to such days, sometimes we need to learn to accept that not all of life will be thrilling, we wont always be tickled by the very mention of our to-do list.  That's alright, sometimes it's a blast and sometimes we just need to hold on, get through it, and reminisce the good times if we really need to.

Monday, July 29, 2013


July 28th,
I greatly enjoyed being able to wear my tux again today, man that thing is comfortable. After the service I returned home to an enormous amount of preparation for my graduation party (of which I did little). The evening was fantastic from there on, I listened to some Alt-j while taking a relaxing shower before hand to get "in the mood" and followed that by suiting up with an out of this world comfortable outfit I was given only the day before and have now decided i'm just going to live in it. As for the party itself I must say we got more than our share of rain, but that's alright. Food and music soon started the whole Shazam and before long I had seen many of the good friends I looked forward to hanging out with for the day, (except two). As is only customary and practically tradition....no...it is tradition, the majority of us trekked down the mountain into our stream where we not only jumped the blue hole (and some for the first time, and even others the first time even in our stream!) but we then proceeded to the clay slides just past our falls. These were quite amusing and by the time we had finished enveloping each other in clay we embodied quite the vogue visage I must say. Apart from Zach gashing his foot open it was an entirely successful endeavor which resulted in yet many more ridiculous pictures (of which I can't wait to see) that I am sure I'll laugh at 'til my old age. At the end of the day take away the food, the music, the games and the cards and that my friends.... that would be enough for me. Your friendship doesn't shape what I am, it makes what I am. Thank You.

Ik, ik the font is weird.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

This Was Needed

July 27th,

  I suspect many posts shall be about individuals on my next few weeks as I am sure is of the highest influence to my upcoming attention.  I owe this and more to my incredible friends, the Ford's.  I will elude detail but make no mistake when I say thanks to them and their caring generosity I had one of the most memorable joyful days of my year today. I couldn't thank them enough for their support especially as I leave to CAP.   Thank you Don, Marianne and especially... Erin.

  Today I ran a russian baptist church from 10:00- 1:30.

Simple Things

July 26th,

  Sometimes you don't want to be able to put it in words, because you might have to read it.

Escalation precisely describes my day, good and bad.  In early July (I think) two spanish students in-particular came from spain to my hometown area to learn of our so called "culture".  This is not what happened at all.  They did not speak as we did, sometimes funnier, sometimes simpler, sometimes slower.  I think they have it better said than we do.  We can be so long-winded, so exhaustive, so.....vague.  If I could list four adjectives to describe how I wish people viewed my words it would be: simple, funny, slow, and wise.  This though is not all; I saw happiness, the happiness I wrote about earlier.  Nora, particularly had a way of being happy about everything, and no, not vaguely happy about some passing whimsy.  Just authentically happy with her life, her friends, and her place. That, to me, was amazing, to see someone so content with their life.  That gives me strength, that gives me joy, that gives me peace. I do not believe enough time can be spent with such people (gifts from God).  But alas......the time we have is still limited.  Nora and Xabier, left today after youth group.  Quite honestly I cried in the bathroom for ten minutes before I could say goodbye and keeping a dry eye since is proving difficult. I miss them as I know they miss me.  Thank you Xabi for the support, thank you Nora for the friendship.  Goodbye.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

It Can Be Found

July 25th,

  "I just wanna be happy"

Too many times this is said with no knowledge or understanding of how this really happens.  When we say "i just wanna be happy" what we mean is; I just wanna be fulfilled and free. Thus is what we search for: to be fulfilled in life and thus enjoy it.  It may be possible that there is not a single one of us who can say "that's me".  Two fruits of the spirit are joy, and happiness, but look around. How many people, particularly believers, can claim that they have authentic joy, and happiness. Why I would like to know?  Why is that?  I believe it's because we've all fallen for two enormous lies; the first, that our troubles are too dark, deep, and terrible for anyone (much less God) to forgive and that robs us of our ability to connect with God (the only one who can give true fulfillment).  The second is that those of us who do know Christ don't understand what it really means to give everything to God and therefore hold on to a distorted sense of burdens which only Christ can shoulder. I could go further on this but that will be for another time, for now let me say that your mistakes are never too dark, deep, or secret for God to forgive, and if you do know that, you're only true way to live life is to give it all to god, everything.

Three From Here

July 24th,

  Never would I have thought .8 ounces of tree would make my day so easily.  Letters are honestly incredible, particularly when you've been waiting for two and a half months for it. This, so far, is my day ti'll 8am, and it gets better.  The work day was long yes, but good, and overall productive.  My evening was equally, nay further exciting than the morning, I must say it has been a good day and the Lord has given so much to be thankful for.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Just Like Blood

July 23rd,

  Who sleeps till noon? apparently this guy.  I got the family's groceries and trimmed trees for Grandma afterward. It is also the 16th Birthday of my absolutely amazing, beautiful, and charismatic friend Priscilla.  She is such a blessing to me in so many ways, I couldn't imagine life without her. Happy Birthday Priscilla ;)


July 22nd,

  Too much work for one day.....umm yah.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Beyond Here Ther'd Be Monsters

July 21st,

  It seems unfitting and even depleting of zeal to write empathetically and spiritually repetitious entries and yet equally as anti-climatic to retain to palpable practicality and factual happenings. This in-balance has been unavoidably impending since the origination of an individual journal, which, is only the ones mind now in writing.  Although, as obvious as it may sound, there weighs a certain need or perhaps irking desire, for the unsaid but unaffected crave for a pleasurable diversity within the topical subjectivism of the writing.

  An early hour marked my awakening none due to my previous amount of sleep.  By the hour of nine a.m. I had planned out the day's schedule, prepared for the day, practiced music for the service and set up quite a few sound props.  As the midday passed I had seen several of my good friends pass through the most substantial doorway of their sanctification in their christian walk by being baptized; uncluding Logan, Matt, Cayla and a few others.  If you've ever read an old map you might realize the edge would say "beyond here ther'd be monsters".....that was my evening to be quite honest, many pond jumps,  some volleyball, football, frisbee, and hangin'.  I had a chance to hang out with my two great friends from spain Xabier and Nora.  As the evening came to close I found a few burgers and hot dogs going in and some yawns going out.  I barely made it through our Young Adults study but that's alright. It's now 11:57 and I have still an entire month schedule to write out and potentially three letters I should be writing.   The way I see it being with my family (all of you guys) is worth countless hours of lost sleep. And yeah I have no clue what "beyond here ther'd be monsters" has to do with my evening.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Black Out

July 20th,

  I found the title quite fitting today as I have been without power from friday evening ti'll 3:30 today which, reminds me, I must sincerely apologize for not posting when I said I would.  Between how tired this tin can has been lately and the power outage I'm afraid this is the first "available" night I've had since the 17th. I say available although it's two in the morning, I've just begun, I've got alot to write, and I have to sing for church at 8:30 am as well as lifeguard, setup and take down, but hey if everything worked out all jazzy or something like that then I wouldn't be eighteen.

  As my time progressed in the past month I quickly realized I would not be able to actually account for every day that passed (in my writing absence) so I'll do the best I can to write out the "highlights" of the past 30 days using my personal journal to roughly recall the events as will follow.

June 18th-20th,

  I wrote my first letter since like fourth grade!  I felt so accomplished and ehhem....It was in cursive...mhmm.  My cousins were over and we hung out played a ton of games, went on a stream hike, went to the movies and ate lots of food.  My interview with CAP went great!

June 22nd,

  I'm just going to type exactly what's in my journal from this date, after all, isn't that what this is?
"6/23/13   ~Carmen  
It was graduate sunday at church today and I got to stand up and state my name, future plans, and then answer a random interview question as well as being prayed for by the congregation (and getting a CD)
which was very neat.  things got crazy when I got home though, it was Carrie's graduation party but it was pouring and there was lightning as well which canceled Me, Becca, and Logan's time to shoot as well as a zipline group Logan and I set up for earlier.  This city-slicker couple also came in to camp and drove down into the middle meadow while it was raining.  So someone told Logan and I that they needed to get out so we went down and tried (not knowing) that they we're fine ti'll morning. So we tried getting them out which resulted in them getting stuck further and getting more upset. We finally drove them to the lodge where they were "afraid" because it was so quiet and big.....really?  So anyhow after that, one more trip to middle meadow and a boat load of troubles with our soda machine we got them safely settled back in the lodge with some food and hopes for a better day tomorrow. "

 June 24th,

   This day was packed, It was my first day of five as a PCC VBS Crewleader, my kids were Josephine, Edward, Bethany, and Nicole, despite they're initial shell shock they were great.  I helped pulled out the Dodge Avenger from our middle meadow and split wood all evening. I also had a great call with Nathaniel as well as the "official" confrimation call from CAP.  Today was also the day I received Benjamin's first letter as well as some pretty bass (that's hip/beast etc...) mixed CD's.

June 26th,

  I went to see Now You See Me with Abigail and Priscilla......It was amazing.

June 29th,

  This was at least the eighth day in a row i'd been sick, yah.  Not much happened today except that I wrote my fifth song while manning the office.

July 4th,

  Independence Day, I spent the evening at Caz Lake hanging out with Chloe, it was an awesome evening.

July 5th,

  Apparently I was so sick I slept ti'll 12:50.....that's unheard of for me.

July 6th-17th,

  ...a crap load of work.

July 18th-19th,

  A tiring apprenticeship and a really amazing youth group.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Well That Was Fun

July 17th,

   Short of an overarching summary (not that it's exclusive or all-inclusive either) I learned a little in my "absence" i'll call it.  Mostly I came to a new found appreciation for the value of communication and the importance of friendships.  My somewhat topic oriented briefing will have to wait ti'll tomorrow though, although it's not that late I've got Matt, Reid, Logan, Zach, and soon Priscilla and Nora over so peace out for now guys.....  God has been good to me.